Spinal trigeminal nucleus

Brain: Spinal trigeminal nucleus
The cranial nerve nuclei schematically represented; dorsal view. Motor nuclei in red; sensory in blue. (Trigeminal nerve nuclei are at "V".)
Horizontal section through the lower part of the pons showing the spinal trigeminal nucleus (#10).
Latin nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini
Gray's subject #187 787
NeuroNames ancil-1015266456
MeSH Trigeminal+Nucleus,+Spinal

The spinal trigeminal nucleus is a nucleus in the medulla that receives information about deep/crude touch, pain, and temperature from the ipsilateral face. The facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves also convey pain information from their areas to the spinal trigeminal nucleus.[1]

This nucleus projects to the ventral posterior medial nucleus in the dorsal thalamus.

See also

Trigeminal nerve nuclei
